Friday, 8 January 2016

College Ireland invites Members & Affiliates to attend Piloit Careers Live @ Croke Park this February

College Ireland has teamed up with Pilot Careers Live to offer Members and Affiliates an opportunity to attend the show in Croke Park this February at a reduced rate.

The event brings together exhibitors from all over the Irish Aviation Industry and abroad including

This list is missing ourselves. Following College Ireland's success in obtaining Enterprise Ireland HPSU status last May, and the marketing efforts made Internationally to bring more business into Ireland for members and ourselves from the Aviation Sector abroad: its time to focus on efforts at home. This show offers us an opportunity to network and get some serious sales & marketing efforts done on the ground at home. 

We have an organised a special rate for College Ireland Members if €280 per sq/m instead of €356 so for example a 4 x 2 is €2,240 whereas a 2 x 2 is €1,120. College Ireland will be providing an overhead banner and pull ups as well as flyers and staff support. 

We are looking to have one big area that is broken up into members stands and is also Co branded so the Industry recognises the strength of doing business with College Ireland members and affiliates and the support each members has for each other. 

Here is the floorplan. More information can be found on the Hogan Suite, on the website.

I am seeking interested members to contact me over the coming week to get involved. 

Contact Details are: 
Emma Olohan 
College Ireland 
Weston Airport 
Tel: +35316217368
or email: or 

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